Monday, January 27, 2014

Befriending Grumpy

When I first started working at my job, there was this guy who came through and was very gruff and abrupt. 
Me: "Hi! How are-"

Guy: "No time, don't want to talk, I'm tired!"

This happened two or three times, till I finally remembered what he looked like.

The next time he came through, I had been chatting and laughing with all the customers ahead of him, and when I got to his food, I went dead silent. I wrapped up his order without making a peep. He looked weirded out. The other people in line looked surprised. But when I handed him his receipt, I beamed at him, "And no conversation, because you're special and important!"

He stuttered. He stammered. He blushed a little.

Next time, he came back.

Sometimes he starts a conversation. Sometimes I just smile at him and we're quiet. But every time I ring up his coffee, I'm glad to have him in my life.

And that's how you turn someone being grumpy into a new way to love them.

(December 10, 2013)

1 comment:

  1. This makes my heart dance. I wish everyone was like you. Not even kidding.
